Initiation in business development
Program: Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013
Leader: Ressource and Development Ideas SRL
Partners: Asociația Întreprinderilor Mici și Mijlocii Covasna – ASIMCOV, Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Timiș, Camera de Comerț, Industrie și Agricultură Ialomița, Junior Chamber Intarnational – Cluj Napoca, Hum Consulting – Cluj Napoca, Pannenbacker Consulting – Germania, Negotiate – Marea Britanie
Project duration:
Project budget: 16.986.184 RON
ASIMCOV budget: 615.774 RON
The overall objective of the project is to increase the adaptability of workers and enterprises by promoting entrepreneurial culture.