Elected members
Berszány Tibor
Elected member
Nagy Lajos
Elected member
Madaras Dániel
Elected member
Grubisics Levente
Elected member
Territorial representatives
Barta Vilmos
Area of Târgu Secuiesc/Kézdivásárhely
Zelch János
Area of Baraolt/Barót
Darvas Csaba
Area of Covasna/Kovászna
Professional associations and territorial groups
Gászpor Éva
Representative of the Ass. Textile & Fashion
Bokor Tóth Zoltán
Representative of the Ass. Packing-Typography-Design
Bartha Sándor
Representative of the Ass. Green Energy
Kovács István
Representative of the Ass. SVESZ
Kiss Áron
Representative of the Ass. Pensiunilor din Covasna
Veres Ferenc
Representative of the Ass. POPARTCOV
Szabó Péter
Representative College of Pharmacists
Szabó György
Representative of the Coop. Prosperland
Kristó Gyula
Representative of Mechanics and Car Service Grouping
Czine Zsolt
Representative of Young Entrepreneurs Grouping
Ördög Éva
Representative of Women Manager's Grouping