Actual projects

Consolidation of smart bioeconomy development capacity in Covasna County

Program: Administrative Capacity Operational Program

Beneficiary: Association of Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises from Covasna County - ASIMCOV

Duration: 30.06.2022 – 31.05.2023

ASIMCOV budget: 424,160.00 RON

The general objective of the project is to evaluate and strengthen the development capacity of the intelligent bioeconomy ecosystem in Covasna County for sustainable development through the involvement of local communities, economic actors and local public administration.


Integrated intervention for young NEETs in the Centru region

Program: Human Capital Operational Program

Lider: Fundația Amfiteatru

Parteneri: Association of Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises from Covasna County - ASIMCOV, Agenția Județeană pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă Covasna

Duration: October 2021- September 2023

Project buget: 16,787,603.77 RON

ASIMCOV buget: 6,191,428.66 RON

The overall objective of the project is to improve the level of skills and increase employment among young NEETs registered with the Public Employment Service, residing or domiciled in the Centru region.


Empowering the Central and Eastern European Countries to Develop Circular Bioeconomy Strategies and Action Plans


Geographical scope: Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Serbia, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, Austria, Finland, Sweden

Project duration: Sept. 2022 - Aug. 2025

Project budget: 4M EUR

ASIMCOV budget: 138.875 EUR

The overall objective of this project is to empower the 9 beneficiary countries in Central Eastern Europe and beyond to develop bioeconomy strategies and action plans, through knowledge transfer and innovative governance models enabling sustainability and resilience, to achieve better informed decision-making processes, societal engagement and innovation.

Strengthening economic and social cohesion in the South-Muntenia and Centru Regions

Program: Human Capital Operational Program

Leader: Exino Association

Partner: Association of Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises from Covasna County - ASIMCOV

Duration: Oct. 2019 - Sept. 2022

Project budget: 13.843.680,89 RON 5.424.100,76 RON

ASIMCOV budget: 5.424.100,76 RON

The general objective of the project is to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the South Muntenia Region and Centru Region of Romania in order to combat poverty and foster socio-economic integration of people belonging to vulnerable groups.

Widening Digital Innovation Hubs

Partner: Association of Small- and Medium Sized Enterprises from Covasna County - ASIMCOV

Program: Horizon Europe

Duration: 2020 - 2023

ASIMCOV budget: 37.875 EUR